This is not about a ghastly triple murder in South Africa.  It is about the political model called “socialism” that a distressing percentage of our countrymen are prepared to shove down our throats and other orifii.

On 26 July, three people were kidnapped from their farm in Magogong , just outside Hartswater in the Northern Cape, South Africa.  An elderly couple and their daughter were, according to a facebook page, “Namibia Uncovered II,” savagely mutilated, tortured, and left to die.  (A person claiming to be the sister of either the male or female victim wrote a furious comment saying the sensational, blood-and-guts stuff was all lies.)

At any rate, the commentary and phrasing in the SA People News provides a stunningly frank insight into the moral standards of a nation dominated by socialists.  Here is the link to the article:

First, consider the implication of this statement:   “Our justice system must send out a strong message that there is no place in our democracy for such callous and inhumane acts.”  The writer calls on the justice system, rather than on the people, to “…send out a strong message that there is no place in our democracy for such…acts.”  So they are going to stop such bloodthirsty, wanton butchery by telling the butchers that’s not the way we do things here?   What does the form of government have to do with it?  “In our democracy?”   Would such acts be more acceptable in a plutocracy?  Or in a dictatorship of the Anointed Ones?  “Send out a strong message?”   How about sending out a bullet?  Or a noose?

This, right here, is the most eloquent, exquisite, perfect illustration of William James’ and John Dewey’s ethics of Pragmatism:  There is no right or wrong – we can’t say what they did was actually morally wrong – it’s just that we don’t want them to do those things.

I was personally scolded by a  female manager at Intel Corporation’s Rio Rancho, NM factory, for saying killing people and eating them was as hideous a moral outrage as one could imagine.  She said, “We don’t use phrases like moral outrage.  We just say that’s not the way we do things here.  There is no right or wrong; there is only different.”

In that sentence from the SA People News there is no condemnation of murder.  There is no statement of the sanctity of life.  There is no affirmation of every human being’s right to live.  There is only the politically and morally craven (That’s tonight’s term for “chickenshit.”)  genuflection to “our democracy.”  Even the acts, themselves, are not monstrous, barbaric, morally depraved, or evil.  No, they are “…callous and inhumane…” that’s all.  Not wrong, just different.

A few sentences later, the SA People News says, “We have repeatedly condemned attacks on farms and farmers as acts of gross criminality that is detrimental to the social cohesion that our young democracy needs.  A month ago we launched a 16-point plan to focus on rural attacks on farms and small holdings, which have seen the terrible murders of farmers, farm workers, their wives, parents and children, as well as visitors to farms.”

Do you see that?  Murder and butchery is not evil or an affront to God Almighty.  No, it is “…detrimental to the social cohesion…”  Your mom and dad don’t mean squat except as covalent bonds in the social molecule.

And yet socialists the world over condemn, with the most dripping, corrosive vituperations that it is Capitalism that denies the worth of the individual human beings.  I don’t know about you, but I’d damned sure rather be thought worth $12.50 an hour than seen as the glue bonding some professor’s utopian wet dream.  That paragraph goes on to bemoan these terrible murders that apparently just randomly, totally eradicate all life on the unlucky farms, so the author bloody well knows what’s happening, but the socialistic (and politically correct) model of life he’s been programmed with won’t let him say the words, “Feloniously inappropriate!” (That’s tonight’s phrase for “Bloody fucking WRONG!”)

And, it seems that the American Democrat Party, which has denied the existence of Antifa, the violence of riots, and even the existence of riots in America, has had a hand in writing scripts for the socialists in the South African government, as well.  They have apparently convinced the president of South Africa his best game is to deny any murders of farmers, viz the following:  “This is exactly the sort of attack the DA has been insisting the Government take seriously, despite the President claiming that no farmers are being killed in South Africa.”  (The “DA” is the Democratic Alliance, the chief party of opposition to the radically socialist – and coincidentally bloody – African National Congress.)

One might suffer sudden-onset epiphany about the moral fortitude of a society that can mount no more ferocious opposition to the dehumanizing, casual cannibalism of socialism than a party (the DA) whose leader described their ideal thus, We believe the state has a crucial role to play in socio-economic development. We are not free market fundamentalists. By the same token we do not believe that a state, with limited capacity, should over-reach itself.”

So the poor sods in South Africa are trying to survive socialism by injecting themselves with socialism in hope of developing antibodies.  But wait!  There’s more!

In pressuring the government to take some sort of action against the apparent war on farms – again cut and pasted from SA People News

Speaker of the National Assembly, Thandi Modise…says farm attacks and murders must be taken as seriously as gender-based violence (GBV), and highly trained specialized units must patrol and prevent these attacks before they occur.” (Triple emphasis not in the original.  That’s my own editorializing.)

Farmers, farm workers, and their families, who work 24/7 to put food on our tables, also have the right to live and work in safety,” she said.”

Man!  Didn’t flat lay the law down on those who randomly rob and murder entire families!  My gosh!  She said multiple kidnappings, torture, and murder are every bit as serious as gender-based violence!  Man!  Then she said how important it is to protect these luckless farmers because they have a right to be safe as they fulfill their obligation to feed the rest of us!  That’s about as utopian socialist as you can get!  The farmers don’t have a right, as human beings, to live, or to defend themselves from barbaric animals.  They only have a “right” – term used bloody loosely – within the context of their value to society.

Can you control your giddy, dancing anticipation of having the government justify your existence in terms of your servitude?  Aren’t you foaming at the mouth to live in a nation where multiple homicides are considered as heinous as gender-based violence?

I’m sure the person who wrote that article had no idea some unreconstructed old White male Boomer was going to dissect his socialistic hand-wringing over the threat to the social cohesion of Utopia.  In fact, I’d be astonished if the possibility of something like that even occurred to him, and that is a further measure of the intellectual default necessary for a person to accept the premises of socialism.


Wess Rodgers – – Albuquerque


A few points to ponder about the coming festivities.

Keep your gas tank at the ¾ full mark or above.  If you have the means of storing a few 5 gallon cans, do it.  Somehow, in all the peaceful business, some folks who shall remain nameless (Less DA Torrez decide to charge me with hate speech, too) have discovered that gas stations make lovely bonfires for their peaceful pagan celebrations.

A gallon of water per person per day might keep you alive, but you ain’t gonna like it.  Go for 3 gallons per person per day if you possibly can.

  • Don’t focus your food storage on things that require water.
  • Focus on things that can be cooked in and eaten from their own containers, so you don’t have to waste water washing dishes.
  • Line your pots and pans with aluminum foil so you don’t have to wash them as much.
  • You can make a perfectly functional chemical toilet out of a 5-gallon paint can with a $10.00 seat from Sportsman’s Warehouse or any number of places on line.  The waste can be buried or burned, and you won’t have to waste water flushing.
  • Sanitizing wipes will save you lots of water, and keep your family from setting you on fire.
  • Denatured alcohol has the same antiseptic properties as isopropyl, but the morons never realized it could be had in gallon cans at Home Depot.  Two cautions: (1)  it is called “Denatured” because they added an unnatural substance to keep people from drinking it.  It’s quite lethal, so it only keeps people from drinking it twice, but if you have kids, be real passionate about keeping them away from the stuff.  (2)  It is used as a fuel in camp stoves and such because it has lower flash and vapor points than isopropyl, so make sure you have good ventilation and no ignition sources, like the sparkly thing on your stove, or your gas water heater.

Batteries.  Lots of batteries.  Rechargables are fine if you have a solar charger.  Also alternative means of illumination – candles and lanterns.  And matches, or a mess of those butane charcoal lighters.

In following their pattern of peacefulness, these people – yet nameless – haven’t attacked infrastructure or utilities, but that doesn’t mean they won’t.  All it will take is one who forgets that taking out the power grid will also flatline his own Fortnight obsession.

Any place where people congregate, like grocery stores, hardware stores, gun shops(!!), malls, sporting events….  Those will be prime targets for peaceful reenactments of the peaceful celebrations in Watts, Detroit, Portland, Minneapolis, etc.  If you can stock up on the things that you would normally go to those places for, do it.

There will be shortages and rationing, not because there isn’t enough stuff, but because the people who were stupid last spring are probably still stupid, and we don’t know if the stores will have the gumption to start rationing before everything is gone.

Prescription meds, vitamins and supplements, pet food, extra eyeglasses and stuff for your contacts.  Even if the stores don’t have runs on this stuff, you may want to stay home as much as possible.  Isn’t that just the most wonderful bleeping news you’ve ever heard?  If you have little kids, a good stock of Thorazine might be nice.

If they decide to block the Big-I, they can stop commerce to tens of millions of people.  If they decide to block Alameda, Paseo del Norte, Montano, I-40, Central, Bridge, and Rio Bravo, they can cut Albuquerque in half and hold those routes indefinitely, or until driven off by force of arms, and if past performance is any indication,  our mayor will probably be sending roach coaches around to feed ‘em.

But mostly, stay plugged into Our Father in Heaven, and listen for the voice of The Comforter.  If you’re not sick of hearing me preach this passage of Scripture, I’m not doing my job, and I beg your forgiveness:

 From the Book of Alma, chapter 48 —-

14 Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies, even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except it were against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives.

15 And this was their faith, that by so doing God would prosper them in the land, or in other words, if they were faithful in keeping the commandments of God that he would prosper them in the land; yea, warn them to flee, or to prepare for war, according to their danger;

16 And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting iniquity.

17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.

Be strong and faithful, my dear ones.  Sit light in the saddle.

EDIT: My old friend, Sergeant Major Theo Noel, reminded me to add propane cylinders for cooking and heating. To be honest, when I wrote “fuel,” I was thinking of gasoline, but the old Top has a good point.

Wess Rodgers – – Albuquerque


I’m sure one can find Democrats who disagree with some of these, but to identify oneself  with the party is to sanction all of them.  Every one of these things have been presented, promoted, or passed into law by Democrats.  These are not hyperbole or made-up straw men.  Every single one of them has been presented, promoted, or passed into law by Democrats.

People will say this is all about party, but when one party – and one, only, – stands for certain things, and the other party has spoken AND ACTED against them, I don’t see any alternative.  If God and Satan each had a political party, would we hear people bemoaning “Mindless God-bots,” or “Mindless Godist talking points?”

The Democrat, e.g. Anti-Trump platform. 

Unrestricted, unregulated access to “Women’s health care,” i.e. abortion, including letting babies born alive die on the table, and allowing underage girls to have abortions without their parent’s consent or knowledge.

Radical gun control, with some outright bans and outrageous taxes (1000% has been mentioned) on ammunition.

Rewriting all public school curricula to preach all aspects of political correctness, cancel culture, revisionism, and downright destruction of history, as well as exposing pre-schoolers to drag queens, MAP predators (That’s “Minor Attracted Person,” or pedophile.  Look it up.) and radical racists and Muslim seditionsts.

Legitimization of Sharia Law and Muslim-only, “No-go” zones for non-Muslims, including police. (And if they can do that, what’s to keep them from setting up such zones for any race or religion that catches their fancy?)

Establishing racially-segregated schools.

Outright bans on free speech they don’t like, such as singing “Dixie” or wearing a Confederate flag patch on personal clothing, or posting signs that say, “All lives matter,” or “Remember Benghazi.”

Enormous tax increases that will destroy the economy, and if there’s anything left of it,

The Green New Deal will finish it off, destroying American industry and quality of life for generations.

Stacking the Supreme court with activist, i.e. “liberal/fascist” judges, which will make  a foregone conclusion of declaring the 2nd , 5th, and 10 Amendments, if not the entire Bill of Rights, unconstitutional.

Totally open, uncontrolled borders, with no attempt to keep out violent gangs, slavers, ISIS, etc..

Twatwafflecare, with its attendant destruction of American medicine.

Slavery reparations.

Lowering the voting age to 16, and allowing anyone in the country, whether citizen, felon, or illegal alien to vote.

Lowering the age of consent for sexual activity to 14 (If Kaliforniastan is an indication.)

Defunding, disbanding, or flat-out abolishing state and city police, leaving Federal agencies in sole possession of the law enforcement mantle. (And you know how that worked in Germany.)

Requiring all citizens to get the COVID vaccine by seizing their bank accounts, closing out their credit cards, cancelling their drivers’ licenses…. And that’s just the start.  If they control the courts and law enforcement, there is literally no limit to what they can do.  (These things also apply to gun confiscation:  “Mr. Citizen, if you’d like to buy groceries, please show me your Gun-Free Home certificate.”)


Or you could vote for a guy who said something crude about commercially-available women in a private conversation 15 years ago.

Wess Rodgers – Albuquerque


Planned Parenthood estimates 13,000,000 Black abortions since 1973 including surgical abortion and “morning after” abortificants used as “birth control.”  Using the PP #, that comes to about 8,298,000 Black abortions between 1973 and 2003.  Assuming half of those abortions were female babies, that is about 4,150,000 Black females who never reproduced. 

The National Center for Health Statistics estimates the fertility rate for Black women in 1990 was 2.55, with the “fertility rate” being the number of BIRTHS per woman aged 15-44 years.  Since all of the 4,150,000 Black women aborted between 1973 and 2003 would be in that age range, the number of births would have been 10,582,000.  Add that to the 8,298,000 Black babies aborted and you have 18,880,500 Black babies who never happened, or 42.9% of the total Black population.

BLM and other practicants of “critical race theory,” or “institutionalized racial hatred,” are still furious over the 3/5 rule (though it was ended by rich, old White males in 1868) under which slaves, only, counted as 3/5 of a person in figuring representation in the House of Representatives.   (Free Blacks were counted as whole persons.) 

The total Black population of the US in 2019 was 43,984,082.  Under the 3/5 rule, had they all been slaves, about 26,390,450 would be eligible to vote.  But abortion has eliminated .429% of the Black voting base, or 3/7 of the population, which is very near 2/5 – leaving 3/5 to vote, and even to live.

So by participating in the abortion of 276,600 Black babies a years between 1973 and 2003, American Blacks have eliminated 2/5 of the possible Black population, and have, for all practical purposes, inflicted upon themselves a 3/5 rule.  (2/5 + 3/5 = 5/5, which, Common Core notwithstanding, is still, even in 2020, 1.)

I’d love to know the correlation between the advocates of unlimited access to abortion and the advocates of the myth of “systemic racism” in America.  I bet it’s pretty high.

Here’s my math:

13 million black abortions since 1973

13.4% of Americans are black — .134 X 328,239,523 = 43,984,082

13,000,000 / 43,984,082 = 29.56% percentage of Blacks who never happened between 1973 and 2003.

13M/47 = 276,600 per year  x 30 = 8,298,000 between 1973 and 2003.

Wess Rodgers – – Albuquerque


One of the most influential books I have ever read is Stephen Covey’s, “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.”  Among the many incredibly powerful principles of living

right are the dozens and dozens of supporting principles upon which the 7 Habits are founded.  Trenchant to my mood the last several weeks is his model of human needs, which is somewhat similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  Covey said there are four great, driving forces in human life – things that motivate and drive each of us.  Everyone, according to Covey, has a primary need that, even if it slips to the back of the line on occasion, is never out of our hearts, and always comes back when the crisis is over.

Those four great, driving needs are to live, to learn, to love, and to leave a legacy.  Like Maslow’s Hierarchy, the most basic is to maintain one’s life – food, shelter, physical safety, of course, but also the things that make life more than existing.  Those things are actually the other three.

To learn is to discover the glories of God’s creation and how we fit into them.  Supposedly, Thomas Edison had a sign on his desk that said, “All creation eagerly awaits discovery by the sons of Man.”  I believe that is absolutely true.  The Scriptures command us to never cease to learn, for in knowledge lies the ability to discern good from evil, and that is the reason for our very existence in mortality.

When one has learned a bit about creation, one finds traits in others that reflect or edify the traits in ourselves that we most respect, and when that happens, it is virtually inevitable that we love the other person.  But, of course, love may be showered upon many things other than another person.  We can love pets, music, art, and the vistas of nature that soothe and invigorate our very souls.  We can love freedom, our nation, our church, and most glorious of all, we can love Our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, our Savior.  But upon whatever it is we fix our capacity to love, it is crucial to our existence as human beings that we do love.

Finally, there is the need to leave a legacy.  For some, that will simply mean a need to be remembered.   One time, before the demonization of all things pertaining to the late Confederate States of America, some friends and I were putting flowers on the graves of young men who had been killed in the battle of Glorieta Pass.  As we stood over the graves, reflecting on the great imponderables of life and death, one of my friends quietly said, “You know, if, 130 years after we’re gone, a few true hearts come around to put flowers on our graves, we will not have done too badly.”

For others, the legacy may be leaving a better world for their children, or simply giving their children a chance at better lives.   A soldier in the Continental Army, during the American Revolution said, “I will study war so that my sons may study engineering, and his sons may study music.”  This vision of a legacy has been very near to my own heart.  I would like to leave my children a visible example of honor, kindness, honesty, charity, love, and most of all, of liberty.  I have always felt that, eventually, that last one would be the end of me, and I have hoped that part of my visible legacy might be that I should die well, and in the service of all those other things.

Long before I had any inkling of Covey’s principles –  or much of anything – really, I enlisted in the Marines out of a death wish.  I had contemplated suicide, but couldn’t do it.  The most reasonable thing for me to do was to enlist and go to Vietnam in place of a man who had something to live for.  Obviously, I was not immune to self-pity!  But however foolish and juvenile at the time, I have recognized that act as the first stirring of my need to leave a legacy of honorable service – service to someone else, to my nation, or to mankind, in general.  There is certainly no claim in this to nobility!  The same impulse is felt by the great majority of mankind.  It turned out that God had something more important for me to do, so I came home when so man didn’t.

Comes now, in my 70th year, this season of violence and mindless rage against creation. A rage that seeks and threatens to destroy all those things I have loved, and to rework the world into a hell that holds no place for a legacy of, “…a visible example of honor, kindness, honesty, charity, love, and liberty,” and the odds of my dying with my boots off grow more slim.

And in that, Brothers and Sisters, I have rather suddenly comprehended the trap I have spread for myself.  As a bumper sticker I once saw proclaimed, “There’s no future in martyrdom.”

Martyrdom?  Is that what I’ve been thinking about and dreaming of?  Is that the legacy I’ve sought, so far from anything resembling honor, kindness, honesty, charity, or love? Are all those high-sounding concepts really just euphemisms for the self-aggrandizement of a small-souled narcissist?  I honestly don’t know.  I am quite certain that such hypocrisy and self-delusion was never a part of what I saw, but we all know how a man might look right at something and his mind record something altogether different.

The thing about a legacy is that it is something of value to, and valued by someone else.

Which means that this model of manhood-as-individualism I have cherished and pursued for seven decades is an illusion, if not an outright lie, for in striving to build a legacy, I have ended up defining my life in terms of what someone else would value!  And if that realization were not an adequate kick in the guts, I am forced to consider the very distinct possibility that no one will value what I’ve left!  In point of fact, it has been quite some time since any evidence of such value has come to my attention.  Most of those whom I have loved have been conditioned to despise the things to which I have given my life – to spit on them, and to consider me too old and stupid to be worthy of even discussing them.

So here I am, finally understanding that the things I gave my life to are broken, and there’s no time to stoop and build ‘em up with worn-out tools.  So?

Though I no longer have confidence in the validity of such a course, my only choice is to trust myself when all men doubt me.  There’s no time to start from scratch.  I will continue the march in hope and faith that there are people of whom I am not aware, and may never be aware, who will find value in what I leave, for I know – I know – that the legacy toward which I have striven is good.  It is moral.  It is manly.  And it may well be that the only one who values it – which is the definition of a legacy, after all – is me.  That will just have to be sufficient, for it’s all I have.

And maybe, if God’s mercy falls upon me in spite of all my folly and wickedness, a few true hearts may came and put flowers on my grave.


(Post Script – The night before I left for boot camp, my precious Aunt Mary Ann gave me a paperback copy of “T.S. Elliot’s Choice of Kipling’s Verse.”  Having had almost no spiritual instruction in my life, his poem, “If” became my Gospel, and it guided me for many years.  As I write this, that book, stained and “gloriously raggedy-assed,” (Marines will understand that) sits in the place of honor at the right of the line on my bookshelf.  If you have never read “If,” or haven’t read it in a while, I commend it to your attention.  So far from contradicting or “talking over” the Scriptures, it expresses their principles in everyday, operational examples. I made several references to it in this piece.)


Wess Rodgers – – Albuquerque