An American Irony, part 2

(The link to “An American Irony” is attached to the bottom of this short piece. I’m kind of wondering if this doesn’t hold the kernel of story.)

Johnny Reb and Billy Yank are sitting under a tree in Paradise, sipping on a cold lemonade and munching on some ‘lasses gingerbread cookies. Johnny looks through the viewport at the United States in January of 2021. “Well, Billy, is this what y’all were fightin’ for?”

“Hell, no, Johnny! Are you raggin’ me? We been sittin’ here, jawin’ for a hunnerd and fifty years, and you ask me that?”.

“Aw, I know that, Billy. I was just reflecting on the amazing irony of it. Half your great-greatgrandchildren are doin’ their best to tear the country to pieces and throw it in the honey bucket, and then blamin’ it all on me and mine, and half of mine are down on their knees beggin’ forgiveness and saying how ashamed of me they are. At the same time, it looks like the other half of yours and the other half of mine are getting’ pig-bitin’ mad, but can’t make up their minds what to do about it.”.

“You know, Johnny, I’ve been thinkin’ woulnd’t it be somethin’ if our better halfs actually joint up, and ended up fightin’ to make the country into somethin’ you and I could both be happy with? ‘cause right now, I know I wouldn’t roll out of my blankets to piss on what they’ve made of it. Would you?”.

“Hell, no! Ain’t it funny that you and I’d be fighting side by side to either save it or secede from it? Kind of makes me regret going through all that goshawful misery and blood. I’ve heard boys from all the wars since ours say the same thing.”

“Yep. Let’s go see if the sutler has anything to put in this lemonade, then see if we can get a little home leave for a few hunnerd thousand of the boys and go down and sort those damnfools out.”.

“You know, you’ve got something there, Bill. Time to uncase the colors and fix bayonets.”

LINK TO “An American Irony.” :

Wess Rodgers – – Albuquerque

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